Part of the idea for today’s 43 came from Marcia who said curtsey lunges were one of her favorite exercises. I paired the curtsey lunge up with a couple of other moves and got a nice little 43.
I did the curtsey lunge and while holding the lunge did a bicep curl (I used 10 pound DBs today) then I stood and lifted the back leg while squeezing my butt = 1 rep.
Besides the fact that I nearly lost my balance during the demo – it was great! This 43 was pretty challenging – my quads were burning and I got my heart rate up since it was upper and lower body combined!!! 43 on the 2nd leg was the real kicker!
At one point I stopped for a second to stretch and told Hunter that this was a hard one. He said, “You can do it. You’ve done all of them so far.” So sweet!! Of course, he didn’t look up from what he was doing at the time. (This is one of his favorite morning activities before I take him to school – not filming me or even watching me sweat – learning new techniques with his cubes!!)
Thanks to Hunter and his encouragement, I made it through another 43!
Today I decided to do a low-impact type workout (especially after yesterday’s crazy Tabata madness!) since I have a super long run planned for tomorrow. I pulled out an oldie – Denise Austin: Fat-Blasing Yoga. I don’t do yoga often but I have found a few DVDs that I really enjoy. Angela just did a great post about the benefits of yoga for runners so I figured today was a good day for it.
I actually have a # of Denise Austin’s DVDs – sometimes I just follow along without the sound but she does have some really great workouts. The yoga one is a nice mix of strength work and stretching. At the end there is a 15 minute section that is primarily core using a stability ball. It was a nice break from running, jumping….
Yesterday I actually put on non-workout clothes!!! Sad part was that it was to go to a funeral (a friend of mine lost her Dad this week). Her dad served in the Navy during World War II and so at the cemetery they had the military service – 2 Navy men – salute as casket is carried up, Taps and the flag (unfold, refold then present it). Military services always sort-of get to me. I told Chris that I never want someone to hand me that flag – so do what you need to do to make sure that doesn’t happen, OK?
Well, it is going to be Fun Friday! Even though it is still in the 30s right now, we are supposed to get up to 80!!! I can’t wait.
Chris is off today and the boys will be on Spring Break when they get home this afternoon. I have a friend who is just starting to sell Origami Owl jewelry so I’m going to her party this afternoon. And, it’s basketball tournament time!!!! (Even though my teamis already out – still love the tournament!)
Happy Fun Friday!!!